Barn läser bok

Primary school & after school program

Here you will find materials for educators that can be used to support your teaching. The materials are intended to use when you visit Tom Tit with your school class.

Bookable School Programs

Renewable Energy with Lego Spike

Which renewable energy sources do we use in the Nordic countries? How can we meet the energy needs of the future? What are the various advantages and disadvantages of different renewable energy sources?

To the school program Renewable Energy with Lego Spike

Environment and Sustainability with a Focus on Recycling

Our planet has provided us with an abundance of natural resources, but we humans have not used them responsibly and are now consuming far more than our planet can handle. This school program introduces children in grade 4 to recycling in Södertälje municipality.

To the school program Environment and Sustainability with a Focus on Recycling

Class Projects

ESERO: Mission X - Train Like an Astronaut

Mission X is a European space project for children and youths that focuses on health, nutrition, exercise, and science, and aims to inspire children to train like a real astronaut.

Read more about ESERO: Mission X

Recycle for green fortune

Recycle for green fortune is a new educational material focusing on the environment and sustainability for primary schools in Södertälje municipality.

Read more about Recycle for green fortune

School Hackathon in Minecraft

Do your students dream of a more sustainable future? Do you want to learn how to use Minecraft Education in your classroom?

Read more about School Hackathon in Minecraft

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